Building secure applications with IBM Cloud Private Platform

Many enterprises still rely on on-premise workloads in a secure location. The IBM Cloud Private Platform offers a means for enterprises to build cloud focused applications in their own secure, private cloud.

Timeline: Nov 2017 - Nov 2018
Role: Lead UX Designer
Team: Esther Kim (UX), Alex Grossi (Visual), Jacki Wakin (Visual Lead), Shay Hall (UX Engineer), Priya Noel (User Research)


The process to request and receive environments and workloads takes an average of 8 weeks, often times slowing down the development process and overburdening operation teams.


A private cloud catalog with environments and services that enable customer development teams to create applications on cloud-focused technology with less dependencies on their operations team.


  • Designed 3 innovative concepts and 5 features based on research insights.
  • Aligned the Offering Management and Development teams on a single release schedule.
  • Resolved accessibility issues around contrast and readability.


  • 120 closed deals in 2nd half of 2017 & exceeded +$50 MM in revenue.
  • Increased customer application development and speed to market.
  • Reduced customer infrastructure costs by 30%.